Behaviour & Psychology

Can Horses Truly Consent To Being Ridden?

Horseback riding is often seen as a romantic partnership between humans and equines. But have you ever stopped to consider if your horse is truly happy to carry you? While horses can’t give verbal consent, understanding their body language can bridge the communication gap and create a more positive riding experience for both of you. […]

Can Horses Truly Consent To Being Ridden? Read More »

How can we build a strong bond with our horses by utilizing the pillars of trust?

Every horse lover is taught early on in their horsemanship journey that trust is the foundation of a good relationship with their horse, but how do you attain that trust? Is trust something that is built over time, or can we attain it in just one or two training sessions? Furthermore, is trust dependent on

How can we build a strong bond with our horses by utilizing the pillars of trust? Read More »

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