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What You'll learn....

Learn Myofascial and Craniosacral Therapy Techniques for the Horse
 This comprehensive course empowers you to alleviate common equine pain conditions and forge a deeper connection with your horse.

We’ll begin by guiding you through methods for assessing structural issues that can lead to patterns of stress, pain, and a reduction in your horse’s performance and well-being. You’ll gain the ability to identify these problems and start your horse on the path to greater comfort and mobility.

Next, we’ll delve into the world of musculoskeletal anatomy and myofascial techniques. You’ll learn how to target specific muscle groups to alleviate pain, improve circulation, and enhance your horse’s overall well-being. We’ll discuss common locations where restricted tissues are found and equip you with the tools and methods to address these areas effectively. Additionally, you’ll learn appropriate exercises to complement your myofascial sessions, promoting lasting results.

The course then explores the fascinating world of craniosacral therapy, adapted specifically for horses. While human and equine anatomy differ, this course will guide you through adapting the core concepts and techniques to safely and effectively perform holds on your horse. You’ll begin by learning about the three fields of the Biodynamic model and how to sense the subtle rhythms of your horse’s body. We’ll then progress to specific cranial bone holds, followed by practicing diaphragm holds and manipulations on the fore and hind limbs.

Throughout this video series, we emphasize exploration, play, and the joy of learning these incredible healing modalities. Our skilled instructor, Judah, will share his insights on blending myofascial and craniosacral techniques, helping you understand when to use each approach and why this combination is so powerful.

Join us in creating a healthier, happier, and more loving world for our horses and ourselves!

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Lifetime Access



No Time Limits



Digital Certificate







No Time Limits

Lifetime Access

Digital Certificate

Approx. 10 hours

This is a level 4 advanced practical course that teaches multiple skills.

There are no entry requirements to complete this course.

This course will introduce you to everything to begin the journey with confidence. And by the time you have “completed” the course, based on the amount of knowledge we are passing on, you will see fantastic changes in your horse and your relationship with them.

Includes muliple quizzes with instant grading.

EA Advanced Certificate.

Accreditation to the Lyons Institute.

This course is not associated with any awarding body and therefore is not a recognised qualification.

Completion of this course is worth 500 academy points

This course investment is €799, members save 10%.

The fee includes your grading, course booklet PDF and digital certificate(s).

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Course Created by...

Judah Lyons

I am going to share with you my 35 years of experience as a practitioner and 32 years as a teacher of the healing arts.

I started this journey at the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado. I have studied with the Upledger Institute for Cranial Sacral Therapy, and a two-year program on the Biodynamic approach of cranial sacral therapy the Karuna Institute in Devon, England. I have also participated in numerous continuing education programs to deepen my understanding of approaches to healing and wellness.

I also studied the work of Jack Meagher, who clarified even further the concept of trigger points and muscular dysfunction. Jack was a giant in the field who impacted many equine massage therapists simply because his approach worked so beautifully on releasing muscular dysfunction and restoring normal balance and pain-free movement!

And ten years after that, I incorporated the Biodynamic approach to cranial sacral therapy – a concept which is deeply embedded in our video series.

My last focus was taking care of an Olympian’s five horses. She finished in the 2012 London Olympics in the eventing games, which was quite an honour for her! 

Course Created by...

Judah Lyons

I am going to share with you my35 years of experience as a practitioner and 32 years as a teacher of the healing arts.

I started this journey at the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado. I have studied with the Upledger Institute for Cranial Sacral Therapy, and a two-year program on the Biodynamic approach of cranial sacral therapy the Karuna Institute in Devon, England. I have also participated in numerous continuing education programs to deepen my understanding of approaches to healing and wellness.

I also studied the work of Jack Meagher, who clarified even further the concept of trigger points and muscular dysfunction. Jack was a giant in the field who impacted many equine massage therapists simply because his approach worked so beautifully on releasing muscular dysfunction and restoring normal balance and pain-free movement!

And ten years after that, I incorporated the Biodynamic approach to cranial sacral therapy – a concept which is deeply embedded in our video series.

My last focus was taking care of an Olympian’s five horses. She finished in the 2012 London Olympics in the eventing games, which was quite an honour for her!

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Approach to Learning

At the Equine Academy, we have a different approach to learning, because we understand that everyone learns differently.  We wanted to create a space for teaching, development and community.

Developed by a team of award winning web developers with a passion for equestrianism. Our platform is mobile friendly so you can learn on the go, community orientated to give you opportunities to network with your peers & professionals and our unique rewards-based system that makes learning both fun and motivational.

We involve the best and the brightest inspirational professionals to bring you their courses created from years of experience, academic learning & self development. When you enroll in a course on the Equine Academy, you are investing in yourself and your relationship with horses.

Start your journey today and enjoy learning for a better tomorrow.


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